Thursday, 6 June 2013

Day Twelve–At Sea.

With all our stops completed, today was at sea as we make our way slowly home. Sylvia has started to think about packing the cases and we have our disembarkation information. It really feels as if the cruise is over even though we have two days left to go.

The weather today was once again splendid apart from a stiff breeze across the decks. This didn’t deter the sun worshippers from gaining that last bit of sunshine….


….although the girls in the band have known it warmer.


We once again watched the Hot Glass show on the top of the ship. This really is worth seeing for the artistry of the glass blowers working in what must be difficult conditions for them.


They are only allowed to sell four items per cruise and these were all auctioned for charity. Despite our best efforts we were unable to buy any of these items but our bidding at least ensured that the charities raised more money.

Tonight was the last formal night and Sylvia managed to get this sneaky picture as we left our room.


The show tonight was “Ovations”, a mixture of West End shows, with lots of singing and dancing, culminating in a series of songs from “We Will Rock You”. A fun evening.

I’ll use this opportunity to answer a couple of queries that have arisen from the comments. Firstly Diarra, no I haven't used my i-pad to post my blog, mainly due to not wanting to store all the photos on it. Even though this is truly an Apple ship I’m afraid I am still using Windows Live Writer.


Secondly Anneloes, yesterday was indeed Denmark Day or Constitution Day, which celebrates the signing of the first Danish constitution in 1849. It was a Bank Holiday which meant that the majority of main shops were closed after noon and the Tivoli Gardens were probably more crowded than normal.

Tonight we gain another hour to bring us back to British time in readiness for our last day. Tomorrow will be the highlights and lowlights of the cruise.

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