After a very uneventful journey from Wales we settled in our hotel last night to watch the first of the new series of GBBO. The programme had just finished when we were treated to a magnificent firework display from the dockside that lasted 15-20 minutes. Apparently it was the naming ceremony and maiden voyage of the new Azamara cruise ship and this was their way of celebrating.
Although we have visited Southampton on a number of occasions , principally whenever we cruise, we have never visited some of the historical sights. So today we rectified that, with first a walk along the ancient city walls …..
…...towards the medieval gate that stands in the centre of the shopping street.
Followed by a visit to the old Tudor house…………………...
…..and gardens.
It’s quite remarkable that so much history remains in the middle of a city that must have suffered terribly with bombing in the last war. It was also interesting to see how much land had been reclaimed with the sea front now some distance from the old wharfs.
We needed to check out from the hotel by mid-day so we returned to load up the car and make our way to the cruise terminal. Never before have we had such a quick and quiet journey making it from the hotel to the ship’s buffet in less than 45 minutes. A NEW RECORD!!
This meant that we could spend all afternoon reacquainting ourselves with the Royal Princess, our home for the next twelve nights and get the first selfie on board.

There appears to be a majority of Americans on-board together with a large contingent of French, so much so that tonights movie will have French sub-titles.
We are just about ready to set sail after having the safety muster. We arrive at our first destination is St Peter Port in Guernsey tomorrow morning and the weather looks fine. I’m looking forward to my potato peel pie!!