Saturday, 26 October 2013

Another quiet day.

I decided against having another trip in San Francisco today as I was feeling very tired after yesterday. I don't know whether it's the effect of jet lag or just my age but I've been sleeping for ages. Instead I thought I would check out the local shops by visiting a couple of malls.

The first one was at Stanford not far from the university and is very much a high-end affair, with branches of Nordstrom, Blomingdales and Nieman Marcus. There was also a Macys which contained something that I had never seen before, a vending machine selling iPads, iPhones and iPads.

Of course if you wanted to buy these items from a real shop there was a very snazzy Apple store.

But to satisfy all my readers I have to say that other computer stores were available.

A lovely shopping centre but far too exclusive for me so I made a short trip to the next centre which contained a Walmart , Kohls and Target. Much more down to earth. I bought a few meals to eat back at the hotel over the few days.

After wearing shorts yesterday and regretting it, today I wore trousers and it became very warm. A short drive back to the hotel to change into shorts was called for, before visiting the Shoreline Park. This is a huge area of coastline that has numerous trails and lakes and superb views.

There was also plenty of wild life especially birds.

While I was there a group were taking part in a team building exercise by making boats out of cardboard and plastic bags. I remember doing things like this when I was at work not in such a venue though.

I spent the evening watching television, I love US TV shows but don't enjoy watching them here. The constant interruptions for the commercials is annoying and distracts from the programme itself. In fact sometimes it's difficult to tell when the adverts stop and the show starts again. So many of the commercials are for medical products and with all the warnings they give I'm surprised that anyone buys any.

Tomorrow is the concert,gates open at 3.00 and the show starts at 5.00,I popped up to the venue this afternoon Roche k on parking. While I was there I got chatting to one of the security guys who tells me the show could go on until late. In fact he said when Paul McCartney played a few years ago he didn't take the stage until 12.30. That means I probably won't be posting until Sunday morning.


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